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 The 2025 - 2026 DRPA  OFFICERS


Vice President

Agent of Process (elected by BOD)

If you are a resident of Devore, you are already considered a part of the D.R.P.A. The DRPA is NOT an exclusive club that meets to chat. It is the driving force to keep Devore and its lifestyle rural and unique. All are invited to get involved. 





24- Hour Mental Hot-Line 1-888-743-1478


County Fire (Non-Emergency) 909-387-5974


County Sheriff (Non-Emergency) 909-387-8313


Animal Care 1-800-472-5609


Pothole & other Road Problems 909-387-8063


Homeless Concerns 909-387-0623


Illegal Cannabis Cultivations 909-387-8400


Code Enforcement 909-884-4056


Short Term Rental Complaints 1-833-722-7871 




Next DRPA general meeting May 5, 2025 at 6:30pm at the Devore Church




The DRPA monthly Newsletter can be emailed to you directly. Please contact Darcee at to be placed on the email list



The DRPA Statement of Purpose


The Devore Rural Protection Association was formed with a commitment to   bring forth the consensus of the community. Along with this primary goal, the group   has developed guidelines that they feel represent the rights and responsibilities of all   Devore residents. These include but are not limited to:

  1. Maintain Devore's rural identity and way of life, without curbs or street lights on our roads.

  2. Protect Devore from annexation and encroachment by neighboring cities.

  3. Maintain our present County form of government.

  4. Retain the one-residence-per-acre minimum.

  5. Remain independently serviced by private and county agencies.

  6. Preserve our trails and open-space land.

  7. insure responsible and compatible growth and development in the Devore area.







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